Stayokay Hostel

Stayokay is the largest provider of budget accommodation in the Netherlands. True to its motto, ‘Fill your life with experiences, not things’, Stayokay chooses locations where there is plenty to do. The accommodations also focus on activities and the hostels are therefore simple but of high quality. In the Dutch dune area near Noordwijk, guests can enjoy the forests and the activities in the dunes. In the choice of the façade, the environment was taken into account. The Bamboo X-treme® Varibo Cladding looks natural and blends in with its surroundings, especially after a few years of greying. Being low-maintenance and fire-safe, this durable cladding is the right choice for Stayokay Noordwijk.

Project details


Are you thinking about bamboo and need help finding out which product suits you best? Do not hesitate to contact our MOSO® Bamboo experts.

Edwin van Houten
Area Sales Manager Moso International BV, the Netherlands

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